Ahmed My Beloved

The hadra is a ritual, with embodied gatherings and invocations of communion with ancestral spirituality. The term translates from Arabic to mean a Devine presence. It is this presence that Elsadig Janka connects in his series Ahmed My Beloved.

For this photographic work, Janka accompanied pilgrims journeying to Halagat Zikr in Omdurman, Sudan. Weekly he joined the dervishes and assembly of devotees to dance, chant and experience the power of collective spiritual practice. Janka’s work glimpses into one of the largest Sufi communities in the world. Some estimates say that upto 60% of the population’s faith has been influenced by Sufi rituals with millions of Sudanese identifying with this mystical form of Islam.

The photographs are reflective of the Sufi practices that are rooted in movement. Through Janka’s techniques of blur, stop motion and multiple exposure the images capture the embodied practice of spiritual gathering and trance. Janka also focuses on the objects of ritual that are used to adorn the pilgrims’ bodies and illuminate the ritual. The artworks often enmesh the spatial context of the place, the individual subjects and the material artefacts of the experience. His techniques thus amplify the connectedness between location, body and materiality rather than to objectify the sacred.  

This meeting site of Halagat Zikr is also a resting place for ancestors where dhikr or forms of remembrance are conducted.  In that continuity of connection, the series is dedicated to Ahmed, a dear friend that used to join Janka in the weekly sessions. May he rest in power with the ancestors and return to the Hadra. 

Medium : Digital prints on photo rag

The inner circle does not have a door, and the point which is in the center is Truth/ The meaning of Truth is that from which externals and internals are not absent, and it does not tolerate forms. 


Oh Ahmed, in your highlife, remember us at the Hamad al-Nil cemetery in Omdurman, which has been facing the war bombardment since April 2023.

The film we started together is still a manuscript that has not been completed and will never be completed.

In the heights of your surroundings, our first joy was flying to another destination.

I would gamble with Allah with all of me to dices you through another game.

Or you may dice yourself, as usual, through another game.

The Noba drum voiced your heart that not left Hamad Al-Nile courtyard.

The city carpeted by our iron wheels,

I left after your passing in lean years

We debate a lot about the philosophy of Clumsiness, if any.

Is Hadara the clumsiness of the dervish, sir?

Elsadig Janka

0 The Path


و قال لى القرب الذى تعرفه مسافة, والبعد الذى تعرفه مسافة, وأنا القريب البعيد بلا مسافة

 محمد بن عبد الجبار النفري

The nearness which thou knowest is distance, and the farness which thou knowest is distance: I am the Near and the Far without distance

Muhammad ibn ‘Abdi ‘l-Jabbar al-Niffari: The Mawaqif and Mukhatabat

90 x 60 cm, 2016



Elsadig Janka

1 Eternity and Perpetuity

الأزل و الأبد

خمرة كأسها ألست قديما/ و حديثا عقلي  وكل حواسي / شرب الكون فهو سكران منها فتراه معربدا بالناس

A wine in its chalice made of though ancientness, and recently its chalice made of my mind and all of my senses. The universe is drunken of it and visibly ecstatic with people.

abdul ghani al nabulsi

90 x 60 cm, 2016



Elsadig Janka

2 The Adoration

قيل عني جن وجدا ليتهم ذاقوا جنوني/ صار مني الفتق رتقا والتقت يائي بسيني/ فيميني قي شمالي وشمالي في يميني/ أسمع الأنوار في وجدي أرى وقع اللحون

عوض الكريم موسى

They said I have gone crazy with love, if only they tasted my insanity. My wound has been stitched up, and my yaa litter has joined my siin to compose the prophets name alphabet. My right hand became my left and my left hand became my right. In my love I can hear the lights, I can see the melodies.

Awad Alkareem Musa

90 x 60 cm, 2016



Elsadig Janka

3 Magic Carpet

بساط الريح

طلوع الشمس يهب شميم خمر صاف/ ليس من الحياة أن تكون غير ثمل/ فأصخ إلى بوح قيثارة دونما  اوتار / و  قف لتراقب من فوق هذا الحريق

جلال الدين الرومي/ الرباعيات

The sun coming up brings clear wine-air. Being sober is not living. Listen to the longing of a stringless harp. Stand watch over this burning.

Quartains of Rumi: unseen rain

90 x 60 cm, 2016



Elsadig Janka

4 The Spiritual Walk (el isra)


وسركم في ضميري والقلب طور التجلي/فالموت فيه حياتي وفي حياتي قتلي

ابن الفارض

Your secret is in the depths of my consciousness

My heart is the mountain where God manifested Himself

In my death resides true life, and in my life resides my true demise.

Ibn Al-Farid

120 x 80 cm, 2016



Elsadig Janka

5 The Cloning


لقد صار قلبى قابلاً كل صورة  فمرعىً لغزلانٍ، ودير لرهبانِ

وبيتٌ لأوثانٍ، وكعبة طائفٍ * وألواح توراةٍ، ومصحف قرآن

أدين بدين الحب أنَّى توجهتْ * ركائبه، فالحب ديني وإيماني

بن عربي

My heart has become capable of every form:

It is a pasture for gazelles and a convent for Christian monks

And a temple for idols and the pilgrim’s Ka‘bah

And the tables of the Torah and the book of the Qur’an.

I follow the religion of Love: whatever way Love’s camels take,

That is my religion and my faith.

ines 13-15 from Ghazal 11 in Tarjuman al-ashwaq by Muhyi al-Din ibn al-‘Arabi (1164-1240)

90 x 60 cm, 2016



Elsadig Janka

6 The Sky


أين هي القدم الجديرة بالتنزه في حديقة أو العين التي تستحق التطلع في الشجر؟ أرني رجلا عازما  أن ينقذق في النار

جلال الدين الرومي

Where is a foot worthy to walk a garden, or an eye that deserves to look at trees?

Show me a man willing to be thrown in the fire.

Quartains of Rumi: unseen rain

90 x 60 cm, 2016



“Through this series, I sought to amplify the profound connectedness between the spiritual, the human form, and the material artifacts of the Hadra.” – Elsadig Janka.

Elsadig Janka

7 The Revelation


كوكب منزه في علاك/ سحرك غريب وشخصك بعيد/ أو كان قريب أنوارو آخذة بدون سلوك/ كيف يجهلوك و على الجمال العادي راحوا يمثلوك/ ولو بادلوك عين الحقيقة وبالبصيرة تأملوك / بالنور أو بالنار أو بقدر ما صاغ الخيال ما عادلوك لو أنصفوك. محمد بشير عتيق

 A sacred celestial body in your elevation

Endowed with   a strange charm and a distant entity

Even when it is near it shines in a captivating wireless lights

Your lightening shines in the very depth of the darkest night

How dare they not recognizing you

The kept trying to compare you with casual beauty

And if they exchange with you true gaze

Or contemplated you with the heart eyes 

They will never equalize you with light nor fire or the shrewdest imagination creations.

90 x 60 cm, 2016



Elsadig Janka
8 Al Hadra 


عطفة منكم ايها السمان بحرك الفياض يروي للظمآن/ نهلة منكم تشمل الأخوان/ تفنهم حساً عن شهود الناس قريب الله بن ابي صالح/ الشيخ قريب الله

Al hadrah 

Oh Samman a breath of your mercifulness, your overflowing river quenches the parched .

120 x 80 cm, 2016



Elsadig Janka
9 The Friendship


الصديق هو أنت لكنه آخر


The friendship

A friend is a second self.


120 x 80 cm, 2016



Elsadig Janka

10 The Step


فليس للأين منك أين وليس أين بغير أنت/ أنت الذي حزت كل أين بنحو ” لا أين” فأين أنت. 


“Where” with You has nowhere

And there is nowhere where You are

Illusion with You has no illusion

Can illusion know where You are?

You are the One who gathers every “where”

to nowhere, so where are You?


80 x 120 cm, 2016



Elsadig Janka
11 The Spectre


لا يراها غيرنا من أحد كل طرف بالسوى منجرح/ هذه لا هذه أنت فلا أنت فأعرف عين هذا  الشبح/ فرحي يا فرحي يا فرحي خمرة المحبوب ملء القدح 

عبد الغني النابلسي

The spectre

It is invisible to anyone but us. For their eyes are preoccupied with others. It is  and it is not. It is you and not you. You must recognize the very essence of this ghost. My rapture, my joy , oh my  rejoice my chalice is full of my beloved whine.

Abdul ghani al nabulsi

90 x 60 cm, 2016



Elsadig Janka
12 The Dervish


فيرميه الغرام بسهم نبل وتكسيه المحبة ثوب ذب/ فيصبح حائرا في الحب مثلي ينادي يا عيوني ساعديني

ابن الفارض

The dervish

Love will shoot him with an arrow. Love will wrap him in a garment of humility. Then he will become as perplexed with love as me. He will shout to his eyes “my eyes please help me”

true demise.

Ibn Al-Farid

120 x 80 cm, 2016



Elsadig Janka
13 The Blessing


أحمدك اللهم كثيرا فقليلي قد صار كثيرا/ وأقام الضيف بأكنافي وأجيرا ما عاد أجيرا / إذا صار الجسم بلا جسم والقلب إلى القلب بشيرا

عوض الكريم موسي

The blessing

Oh lord I praise you for my meager lot has become a blentitude.  The guest has  welled in my entity. and  I have been freed from my hired toil. As my body became bodyless while the heart has become to other hearts.

Awad Alkareem Musa

120 x 80 cm, 2016



Elsadig Janka
14 Al Samad


لقد تعبنا يا صديقي ولكن لا يمكن الاستلقاء أثناء المعركة.  

Al samad

Comrade oh my comrade we are knackered. but nobody can lay down amidst the battle.

Sudanese revolution martyer abd El Azim

90 x 60 cm, 2016




Borderlands Art is invested in presenting this work now as a way to share Janka’s artistry with the world, especially while many are only seeing the devastation of the recent civil war through the lens of media outlets. We want to show the value of creative practices as a gesture towards beauty and joy amongst the violence and turmoil. Janka and his family have been forced to leave their home in Khartoum, Sudan. He is now living and working in Kampala, Uganda.